Monday, August 20, 2012

What is the Fourth Kick?

With a little luck, the Fourth Kick will be an inspirational sight to artists and writers of the world.

The Fourth Kick gets it's name from the movie Inception.  It was the "kick" which the character Cobb used to ride the dreamscapes all the way back to reality.  And those points of inspiration come from this movie as two statements were very inspirational in the creation of this website.

"Yeah, but you know it's not YOUR idea, you know I gave it to you.  The mind can always trace the genesis of an idea, true inspiration is impossible to fake." ~ Arthur

There was an old saying that there are no new ideas.  Since man has been writing since the dawn of time, any "stories" that come up for an artist or writer, some where in a distance part of the planet, another artist or writer has come up with the same idea.  Personally, I've seen it three times in my life.  Either on movies or comic books, I was like, "Damn! I thought of that first!"  The difference between them and me is that they got their ideas published first.  But this sight is not about who's idea is what.  Our goal is to give YOU something to inspire you to create.

"It's just . . . .pure creation." ~Ariadne

For the artists who read this, you have to admit this to yourself.  If you were in the universe of Inception, and you had Ariadne's power, you'd be addicted too.  With my creativity, I often wonder if I would be an Architect or a Forger?  What would you be?

What will you be inspired to make?

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